4 NOVEMBER 2011.
bangun tidur tersedar. owh. tidak hari nie result. dalam otak da bermaen lagu rock ballad pop rock.. macam macam da bercampur baur. da la ari ue mimpi dapat pointer rendah. 2.20.. ! memang da macam macam da pikir. adoiy.. then on laptop.. start everything.. then bukak student portal tak dapat.. nak nengok. da risau nie.. tanye abang da nengok belom.. lagi la die kate service unavailable.. da nak panic da.. tapi muke tetap cool *sebabbarubanguntidosonofeelinglaweeeeee~ then pikir cari cara laen. hah! satu idea datang. handphone kan ade.. ok pergi student portal nengok hah cam tak percaya je.. then nengok blek.. wah! lagi la.. macam nengok dekat slip yang telah di edit.. pasue on laptop blek.. nengok ape yang keluar..
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speechless :O kalau tak nampak tekan kat picture tu. and see the miracle. |
gempak an.. *sorryterpujidirisendiri.. yang paling rase bersyukur sangat sangat tu IMD ngan PD dapat A- ngan A wah.. dala tamtam je buat sume ue.. wahhaha alhamdulillah. paling paling sukesukiiiii business math A+ ea.. da la orang yang paling awal keluar. plus perut memulas time buat math.. adoiy. memang gigil la kan buat kertas ue.. tapi rase bersyukur sangat sangat.. ALHAMDULILLAH. rase macam nak jerit sampai ALLAH dengar tapi kalo berbisik pon ALLAH dapat dengar jugak kan.. syukur yang tak terhingga..
terima kasih kepada ibuayahkakakabang. cause always support what i'm doing.. my friends either my oldies or my brand new. whahah i know friends have no limit time on knowing them but its just feels grate tu say that. wahahhah.. ok sambung speech. my friends that never stop from saying be who you are. my lectures that teach me things that i don't know. my roommates thats always giving me fun things to do. really owe all of you a lot. i know that they say happiness cannot always be there unless we earn them. so i had work hard on this. and i earn it. thanks a thousands..
thats is my speech for my noble prize.. weeeeee~ but still just the same.. alhamdulillah.
i will make it real again next sem. and this is a great head start for me.
P/S: CONGRATES FOR ALL OF MY FRIENDS RESULT EITHER DAPAT DEKAN OR NOT. ITS NOT THE DEAL. BUT THE DEAL IS WHERE YOU GOT WHAT YOU HAVE WORK FOR. YOU CAN DO IT NEXT SEM OK.. plus my classmate your the best. separuh dari kelas DEAN LIST.. kite buat lagi ea next sem.. weeeeee~
0 conflict:
Conflict ;)