Thursday, September 22, 2011



yeah. as the title said. food.! oh god how i love to eat. but i must caution of what i'm eating. 
so i can be a healthy person. ehe *but still i eat fast food and maggie.

ok lets go on with my story.
you know since i'm moving to lendu for studying. i really missed much tv show. seriously. if i'm back to my hometown i doesn't watch tv. as i only strike for my wifi ^^
yesterday. my sister recommend me of this show its called


the title sounds great. and went i watch it yesterday it was amazing. he brought us to many kind of places that serve the best food. the food that he ate was delicious from the looks of it. die makan makanaan yang die beli ue dengan selere dan bersemangatnye. adoiy.. he ate the food and makes all the food delicious and want us to try it with him. from all the food that he ate i really love mee bandung! the mee bandung muar that he ate was amazing. i'm speechless about describing the food. but i want to try the kenny delicious at melacca. seriously he said it was the best food ever. plus KENNY is no. 1 but its different. i've forgot to introduce the man who makes everyone jealous of what he ate. it is the one and only..


as my sister said "die cume tolak batu ngan kayu jewp kalo bab makan" yeah. its true. he ate all and everything that they serve. including the Chinese dish. as for us muslim we must be precaution of eating at chinese stalk cause maybe it is not halal but not for him. he ate it. he doesn't care. but i don't know about production of the tv. sooo.. just eat what is halal and good for our tummy. heehhehe ;D
this show is going to be appear at

8tv always appear with good show and the camera shots was amazingly good. it in hd.! wah.. and THE BEST IN THE WORLD is on Thursday at 9.30 p.m.
ehe promote pulak.. eheh but it is THE BEST IN THE WORLD

this show is par with the international food show. and it is the best in the world and malaysia. eheh
i'm giving this show a THUMBS UP!
yeah. ;DD

your the one that i will be hating. your the one that i should stay out off it.
it will kill my heart if you always be in my heart. so. when life is going on. i'm going to deleting you from the bottom of my heart.

0 conflict: